Exhibitor profile


Stand 43b
25, avenue François Mitterrand - CS 92803
69674 BRON

LinkedIn page
Florence GIRAULT
Directrice de projet Services de mobilité et transition énergétique
07 61 41 46 78
Training/consulting firm

The organization of mobility and modes of transport is at the heart of many societal issues, first and foremost the fight against climate change and the decarbonization of the sector. Through multidisciplinary approaches, local expertise for local stakeholders, and the capitalization and dissemination of good practice, Cerema informs the choices of decision-makers, State technicians and local authorities, as well as economic stakeholders. Our goal is to facilitate the transition to action for the implementation of efficient, sober mobility policies and services, accessible to all, and adapted to the specificity of the territories and the climate of tomorrow.